133 Self-portraits
Around 1800 AD Father Constantin Keller(1778-1864) created an impressive collection of wax fruit, especially apples. Today those apples are still kept at the Admont monastery in the mountains of Austria, more famous for its spectacular library. Ogolter went to the monestary and photographed these stunning objects which feature incredible detail, wormholes, mold etc.
The project speaks to the eternal myths that photographic images are a depiction of reality, here we have
photographs of something that is a copy to begin with, the symbol of original sin.
Today we are used to seeing very few kinds of apples in our supermarkets, the market demands a streamlined easy production process. This
collection has well over one hundred, many extinct today.
Susan Sontag’s quip that “everything is made to end up in a photograph” holds true today more than ever, even for ourselves.
Including ourselves in this equation, we publish those polished supermarket version of ourselves online for everyone to see.