TImages "collaged" by data recovery software, camera errors and Display errors. Those and other, sometimes surprising images, from my archives are today what errors in darkroom and copy machines used to be in the age of analogue photography and image making. Those prized errors of the analogue world take on a much stranger, colder form in our era of the digital.


Imagens "coladas" por software de recuperação de dados, erros de câmera e erros de tela. Essas e outras imagens, às vezes surpreendentes, dos meus arquivos são hoje o que os erros na fotografia analogica e fotocopiadoras costumavam ser na era analógica e da criação de imagens. Esses erros valorizados do mundo analógico assumem uma forma muito mais estranha e fria em nossa era digital.

ROOM FOR ERROR - Martin Ogolter

Room for Error 13, 2014, 60 x 60 cm, Pigment Print

ROOM FOR ERROR - Martin Ogolter

Room for Error 30, Pigment Print, 75 x 100 cm

ROOM FOR ERROR - Martin Ogolter

Room for Error 26, Pigment Print, 50 x 75 cm

ROOM FOR ERROR - Martin Ogolter

Room for Error 29, Pigment Print, 53 x 75 cm

ROOM FOR ERROR - Martin Ogolter

Room for Error 31, Pigment Print, 53 x 75 cm

ROOM FOR ERROR - Martin Ogolter

Room for Error 32, Pigment Print, 43.8 x 65 cm

ROOM FOR ERROR - Martin Ogolter

Room for Error 1, Pigment Print, 50 x 33 cm each, 2017

ROOM FOR ERROR - Martin Ogolter

Room for Error 23, Pigment Print, 50 x 75 cm each, 2017

ROOM FOR ERROR - Martin Ogolter

Room for Error 9, Pigment Print, 50 x 75 cm

ROOM FOR ERROR - Martin Ogolter

Room for Error 20, Pigment Print, 130 x 86 cm each, 2017

ROOM FOR ERROR - Martin Ogolter

Room for Error 10, Pigment Print, 50 x 75 cm

ROOM FOR ERROR - Martin Ogolter

Room for Error 9, Pigment Print, 50 x 75 cm

ROOM FOR ERROR - Martin Ogolter

Room for Error 25, Pigment Print, 41 x 60 cm cm

ROOM FOR ERROR - Martin Ogolter

Room for Error 2, Pigment Print, 40 x 40 cm cm

ROOM FOR ERROR - Martin Ogolter

Room for Error 22, Pigment Print, 100 x 75cm

ROOM FOR ERROR - Martin Ogolter

Room for Error 33, Pigment Print, 90 x 79.5 cm,

ROOM FOR ERROR - Martin Ogolter

Room for Error 6, Pigment Print, 200 x 152 cm, 2017

ROOM FOR ERROR - Martin Ogolter

Room for Error 14, Pigment Print, 50 x 75 cm

ROOM FOR ERROR - Martin Ogolter

Room for Error 15, Pigment Print, 50 x 75 cm

ROOM FOR ERROR - Martin Ogolter

Room for Error 17, Pigment Print, 75 x 50 cm

ROOM FOR ERROR - Martin Ogolter

Room for Error 16, Pigment Print, 75 x 50 cm

ROOM FOR ERROR - Martin Ogolter

Room for Error 19, Pigment Print, 75 x 50 cm

ROOM FOR ERROR - Martin Ogolter

Room for Error 4, Pigment Print, 40 x 40 cm

ROOM FOR ERROR - Martin Ogolter

Room for Error 28, Pigment Print, 75 x 50 cm