Martin Ogolter was born in Austria, after graduating from high school he moved to New York City, where he graduated with a BFA from the School of Visual Arts. In New York he worked as an art director in publishing and music for companies such as Penguin Books and Atlantic Records. He had his first photograph published in 1994 and his work has been seen ever since in art galleries, on album covers, books and in magazines. Since 2003 Ogolter has been based in Rio de Janeiro where he held his first solo exhibition in 2011, his work has been shown in Sao Paulo, Curitiba, Berlin, Hamburg and his native Austria. He has also participates in art fairs, such as SP-ARTE and ART RIO. From 2015 to 2019 he was a professor of photography at the Escola de Artes Visuais (EAV) do Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro.
Martin Ogolter nasceu na Áustria. Em 1990 mudou-se para Nova Iorque, onde graduou-se na renomada School of Visual Arts. Em Nova York trabalhou como Diretor de Arte em editoras e gravadoras, como Penguin Books e Atlantic Records. A partir de 1994, Martin teve suas fotos publicadas em capas de discos, além de livros e revistas internacionais de design e fotografia, o que lhe rendeu prêmios.
Deste 2003 o artista está radicado no Rio de Janeiro, onde ele realizou sua primeira exposição individual em 2011. Seu trabalho também foi exibido em São Paulo, Curitiba, Berlim, Hamburgo e sua terra natal Áustria. De 2015 at 2019 ele era professor de fotografia na Escola de Artes Visuais (EAV) do Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro.
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